Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Protocols of the Elders of Xi'an

Noam Scheiber's recent discussion of Sino-American relations has many interesting bits, and I recommend the whole thing, but this part caught my eye:

To appreciate the complexity of the challenge China poses, it's worth considering one of the country's best-selling books in recent years: a paranoid (and vaguely anti-Semitic) polemic called Currency Wars, written by a dubiously credentialed man named Song Hongbing. Song, who briefly worked a finance job in the United States, alleges that the Western banking establishment hatched the modern financial system in an elaborate plot to dominate the world. Europe fell first, then America. (JFK was assassinated when he tried to resist.) More recently, Japan's lost decade and the Asian financial crisis of the mid-1990s served as warm-up acts for the coming assault on China. Predictably, the Rothschilds occupy the center of the narrative.

I mean, seriously. Everyone knows that JFK was killed by the mafia because he left Marilyn Monroe high-and-dry.

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