Monday, October 5, 2009

A Kid Beats the NY Times, AP, & Reuters While Sitting in Her Pajamas in Her Parents' Basement

The wonderful Amanda Taub of the wonderful Wronging Rights discovers that the NY Times, Associated Press, and Reuters were (likely) taken in by a hoax perpetrated by a fictional character with ties to a Darfuri rebel leader. The story is phenomenal, and comes in three parts:

Part I: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Why Am I the Only One Asking That Question?

Part II: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Why Is the Mainstream Media Quoting Him Without a Good Answer to That Question?

Part III: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Does It Even Matter (Yes. Yes, It Does)

Please read the whole thing.

(The reference to pajamas and basements comes from this).

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