Sunday, July 4, 2010

Great Moments in Interviewing History

Deborah Solomon, while interviewing former Secretary of State (and Treasury) George Shultz:

It’s been seven years since we invaded Iraq, and there is so much sorrow in the world.

WTF? Somehow, the 89 year old came up with a wonderful response to that "question":

You ought to come out to California.

Elsewhere, Solomon wonders whether PBS is showing a documentary about Shultz because "they’re trying to appeal to Republicans". Could be. Or it could be that one of the most important government officials of the past half-century is interesting enough in his own right to merit an in-depth look. The rest of the interview is no better, and may even be worse.

At least Solomon didn't put words in Shultz's mouth like she has a habit of doing. Well, she doesn't appear to have done that. This time.

Why is the NY Times printing this?

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