Friday, August 13, 2010

Politics Everywhere, Even Where It's Supposedly Not Allowed (Reprise)

. Friday, August 13, 2010

Variations on a theme, I guess:

All foreign relations have, it seems, now been made subservient to domestic concerns.

That statement was not made (primarily) about the U.S., but rather about China, North Korea, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan. None of which are paragons of democracy; all of which must maintain tight domestic coalitions to remain in power.

The rest of the op-ed is very interesting, and concerns the U.S. relationship with Southeast and East Asia, Sec. Clinton flexing her muscles, U.S. diplomacy towards South Korea and Indonesia (both of which are of large importance, in my view), and -- if you want to view it that way -- signs of balancing maneuvers to restrict potential regional hegemonies.

Your grain of salt: It was written by Yuriko Koike, an opposition member of the Japanese government, and former Minister of Defense and National Security Advisor. Of course, the current Japanese government is the first in decades to displace the America-friendly Liberal Democratic Party, of which Koike was (presumably) a member. I'm not well-versed enough in Japanese politics to know whether or how much that fact obscures the analysis. Perhaps a reader can enlighten?


Politics Everywhere, Even Where It's Supposedly Not Allowed (Reprise)




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