Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Research

All NBER working papers, except the last one which is from the SanFran Fed. Excerpts are abstracts.

First (Ryan Avent discusses this here. We've discussed similar things a lot, see e.g. here.):

When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down: International Evidence and Implications for China
Barry Eichengreen, Donghyun Park, Kwanho Shin
NBER Working Paper No. 16919
Issued in March 2011
Using international data starting in 1957, we construct a sample of cases where fast-growing economies slow down. The evidence suggests that rapidly growing economies slow down significantly, in the sense that the growth rate downshifts by at least 2 percentage points, when their per capita incomes reach around $17,000 US in year-2005 constant international prices, a level that China should achieve by or soon after 2015. Among our more provocative findings is that growth slowdowns are more likely in countries that maintain undervalued real exchange rates.

Second (Which is somewhat-related to some of my research, which I'll post soon):

Monetary Policy as Financial-Stability Regulation
Jeremy C. Stein
NBER Working Paper No. 16883
Issued in March 2011
This paper develops a model that speaks to the goals and methods of financial-stability policies. There are three main points. First, from a normative perspective, the model defines the fundamental market failure to be addressed, namely that unregulated private money creation can lead to an externality in which intermediaries issue too much short-term debt and leave the system excessively vulnerable to costly financial crises. Second, it shows how in a simple economy where commercial banks are the only lenders, conventional monetary-policy tools such as open-market operations can be used to regulate this externality, while in more advanced economies it may be helpful to supplement monetary policy with other measures. Third, from a positive perspective, the model provides an account of how monetary policy can influence bank lending and real activity, even in a world where prices adjust frictionlessly and there are other transactions media besides bank-created money that are outside the control of the central bank.

Third (Which has implications for a discussion I had with some IPE folks recently):

Are Large-Scale Asset Purchases Fueling the Rise in Commodity Prices?
By Reuven Glick and Sylvain Leduc
Prices of commodities including metals, energy, and food have been rising at double-digit rates in recent months. Some critics argue that Federal Reserve purchases of long-term assets are fueling this rise by maintaining an excessively expansionary monetary stance. However, daily data indicate that Federal Reserve announcements of large-scale asset purchases tended to lower commodity prices even as long-term interest rates and the value of the dollar declined.

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