1. "Quasi" quantitative easing by the ECB.
2. The worst war since WWII is still ongoing (with 5.4 million dead so far), and nobody knows about it.
3. The Israel/Palestine controversy hits the Toronto Film Festival.
4. Emmanuel on the newest challenger to GDP as a measure of well-being. This one was commissioned by Sarkozy and created by Stiglitz and Sen. The UN's HDI had the same goal, but tells us basically nothing that GDP per capita doesn't; will this measure be any better?
5. Resurrecting Hyman Minsky.
6. Robert "Mr. Bubble" Shiller, interviewed by David Leonhardt.
7. Drezner and Salam on Lehman, our current economic situation, and the U.S./China trade spat:
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Weekend Links
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