Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Midweek Links

. Wednesday, October 28, 2009

1. For an Objectivist, Ayn Rand was full of contradictions.

2. Brazil tries the Tobin Tax (or something like it).

3. Another randomized trial paints a skeptical portrait of microfinance. Previous editions here. Will Grameen ever get positive research?

4. New research shows that increased trade leads to improved labor standards.

5. The Treasury/Frank legislation for dealing with "too big to fail" banks.

6. Republican Congressman Jeff Flake (AZ) is awesome:

Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today released the following statement regarding his vote against H.Res.784, a bill “honoring the 2560th anniversary of the birth of Confucius and recognizing his invaluable contributions to philosophy and social and political thought.”

"He who spends time passing trivial legislation may find himself out of time to read healthcare bill," said Flake.

And I'm sure resident Cuban Alex would approve of Flake's thoughts on ending the trade sanctions against Cuba:


Alex Parets said...

I definitely approve.

Midweek Links




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