Normalized trade relations between U.S. and Russia – See here.
[Some background as to why U.S.-Russia trade relations were not "normal": The Jackson–Vanik Amendment to the U.S. Trade
Act of 1974 restricted trade between the U.S. and
a number of nonmarket economies. Pursuant to the Amendment,
most favored nation treatment would be denied to U.S. trade partners that
violated certain human rights, e.g., imposed restrictions on emigration. That said, it is worth noting that
the President can (and has often) determined that annual waivers from Jackson-Vanik are
EU files submission in WTO Seal Dispute – here. To recap: A while back, the EU implemented a regulation restricting the
importation of seal products out of concern regarding “the animal welfare aspects of the seal hunt.” Canada, a major producer of seal products,
challenged the regulation as an unlawful restriction on trade, asserting that
the EU’s measure was inconsistent with WTO obligations. Although Canada’s complaint and the EU
response raise a host of trade law issues, one interesting point concerns the potential
application of GATT article XX. Article
XX(a) is a provision under which a party can argue that a restrictive trade measure is justified
on the grounds that it is "necessary to protect public morals." There is not a ton of jurisprudence on the
issue, so a WTO ruling on this would be exciting (to the extent that legal rulings
are ever “exciting”). [Probably more on this later.]
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