Monday, June 1, 2009

221.034 - 1,361.58

. Monday, June 1, 2009


  • According to The TRIP project: 4,126 people teach "International Relations" in the US.*
  • According to the TRIP project: 30-36% (33%) of American IR scholars focus on IPE.

*This seems a very inclusive categorization that includes many scholars political science would describe as comparative/area studies types rather than IR.


Alex Parets said...

these are really interesting numbers. it's a pretty small club.

i'd be interested in seeing how many IR scholars, and IPE specialists specifically, are working outside of academia (either for IGO's, NGO's, the US government or in the private sector).

It would also be interesting to see how many "cross-overs" there are: those that go in and out of the policy making and academic worlds. these would probably be the people that would be most influential in policy circles.

Kindred Winecoff said...

couldn't the TRIP numbers include community college instructors or even some high school teachers? if not, then that's what... a 500% difference?

Thomas Oatley said...

TRIPS defines its sample as follows (page 3):
"We sought to identify and survey all faculty members at four-year colleges and universities ... who do research in the IR field or who teach courses on IR. The overwhelming majority of our respondents have jobs in departments of political science, politics, government, social science, international relations, international studies, or professional schools associated with universities.

Given our definition of “IR scholar”—individuals with an active affiliation with a university, college, or professional school–we excluded many researchers currently employed in government, private firms, or think tanks.

We attempted to include any scholar who taught or did research on trans-border issues as they relate to some aspect of politics. So, our population includes political scientists specializing in American politics who study trade and immigration. It includes researchers who study regional integration. It includes many specialists of comparative politics who happen to teach IR courses...

We adopt this broad definition because we are interested in those scholars who create knowledge, teach students, and provide expert advice to policy makers about trans-border issues – whether they adopt the “IR” moniker themselves or not.

221.034 - 1,361.58




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