Not that O.C. Definitely not. This O.C.
Mish points out that the towns and cities with the lowest unemployment numbers are university towns and state capitals:
If you are looking for work, get the hell out of Detroit, Portland, and many California cities and move to places like Johnson County, Iowa; Albany County, Wyoming; Riley County, Kansas; and Los Alamos County, New Mexico, all with unemployment rates under 4%.
He points to this wire story showing some counties that have been hit least hard by the recession (at least in terms of unemployment). Among them is Orange County, NC, home to our fair university and close to the state capital. So how do we do it?
The government employs over one-quarter of all residents in the county -- including all four IPE@UNC bloggers -- good for second-most on the list (behind Los Alamos, NM, home of the famous national laboratory). Many more are students, and therefore technically "employed" even if they do not work. And there are many jobs in services industries catering to university workers and students.
So if you're job searching, and you have white-collar skills, move to where the government is. Those jobs are always secure.
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