Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rosling on the Beeb

. Thursday, December 2, 2010

We've featured Hans Rosling and his cool data visualizations on this blog multiple times. Now he's got his own BBC show, "The Joy of Stats", which airs on December 7th on BBC4. Unfortunately, it does not appear that it will be shown outside the UK, but here is the preview:

(ht: The Economist Daily Charts blog)


Emmanuel said...

KW: While I'm not so keen on Rosling, you can watch BBC programmes through the iPlayer online service after they've been broadcast. The thing is that iPlayer only streams with UK IPs (i.e., those of license fee holders). So, you have to do some work to make it appear as if you are browsing from the UK if that makes sense.

Try searching "iPlayer watch abroad" and you should get a how-to. It's a bit tedious to set up, but once it's done you don't need to keep setting it up. Also, there's a file download option now but I'm not sure if those outside the UK can simply download the file. (Which has DRM, but...)

Kindred Winecoff said...

Cool, thanks. I may try to route my ISP through the UK or something.

What've you got against Hans? All his does is visualize data in interesting ways.

Rosling on the Beeb




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